Beta Kernels 10 Apr 11
Alright, did a lot of work this morning, so I decided to get something released tonight. This will probably be my last release for the time being, I have other things I need to get done.
Lowered Wi-Fi voltages
cpufreq interactive governor: fix crash on CPU shutdown
Fixed the sysfs interface for VDD, forgot one line when I changed freq_table to dynamic
Have not found the issue with the Prox Sensor yet
Have the HAVS code in there, but get non-booters as of right now, still working on it
Updated to mainline
Added kernel support for HDMwIn
If you’re having issues with random reboots on BRAVO/EVO/INC, disable 128MHz, it appears that not every phone can handle it correctly. For those on the MECHA, I’m attaching an init script that I’m using to lower voltages, it’s saving quite a bit of power. Place it in /system/etc/init.d, and make sure it’s set executable. Also, if you notice, it’s already setup for HAVS, so as soon as I get that working, it can still be used.
Ztest-BRAVO-BFS-041011 (1096 downloads)
Ztest-BRAVO-BFS-HAVS-041011 (971 downloads)
Ztest-BRAVO-CFS-041011 (944 downloads)
Ztest-BRAVO-CFS-HAVS-041011 (970 downloads)
Ztest-EVO-BFS-041011 (1098 downloads)
Ztest-EVO-BFS-HAVS-041011 (925 downloads)
Ztest-EVO-CFS-041011 (937 downloads)
Ztest-EVO-CFS-HAVS-041011 (1359 downloads)
Ztest-INC-BFS-041011 (912 downloads)
Ztest-INC-BFS-HAVS-041011 (1484 downloads)
Ztest-INC-CFS-041011 (811 downloads)
Ztest-INC-CFS-HAVS-041011 (905 downloads)
Ztest-MECHA-BFS-041011-0922-test (1046 downloads)
Ztest-MECHA-CFS-041011-0922-test (938 downloads)
MECHA vdd init script (1946 downloads)
d576e90e811438c3e8a2f461f5becbd2 459553fbc5467403bea89581711d39de 56c49f717d425502cd10492f40392314 ff007e9b8d5ab4c0e0dd33c7c9fca608 71f6dba763e969ac70b6bcb62e519e44 75a8fccfca83e8d66bbac4ee898cebde 36a6d03f308f550630cf33f989b478c5 f583c809ab84a6e01efe3fb42fe26ae2 81c71441ab40e8453295083e4150b2bf edd70bc3b9cedfda552db97f703409ce 857c67f741f7b236efe884d8f302651b 4a22cf01db96b41d667429ecc7f2eb9f 56dd4917eb1e7008b71038a36460fa71 2e9ca67beb5aa74de3e2bba541d6aaef
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Sunday, April 10th 2011 at 21:40 |
How do I place the init script in that directory. Root explorer? Is HAVS working with and without this script?
Sunday, April 10th 2011 at 22:49 |
If you have a TB, then no HAVS yet, but the script would work either way.
Yes, Root Explorer, ES File Manager, QtADB, adb, etc.. can put the file there for you.
ADB (My preference):
1. adb push 99vddlevels /system/etc/init.d/
2. adb shell chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d/99vddlevels
3. adb reboot
Sunday, April 10th 2011 at 22:47 |
Are you going to add the FPS uncapped unlock like Adrynalyne did eventually in your kernel? That seems like a cool feature.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 00:58 |
Do I save 99vddlevels as a txt or sh file? How do I tell if script is controlling the kernal? I understand how to do the rest.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 05:22 |
File extensions don’t really matter much in ‘Nix.
To see what it’s done, you can cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/vdd_levels, that will show you the current vdd table. If you do that before and after implementing the script, or manually running it, you’ll see the change.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 01:07 |
I have to keep manually mounting my sd card as r/w, is that something caused by the kernel? I tried wiping, formatting the card, etc.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 05:24 |
That should not be caused by my kernel, mine is working just fine. Well, I should say my 16GB is working just fine, the 32GB that came with the phone died, I still need to go get it exchanged.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 12:30 |
I will try swapping my old card in to see if thats the problem. I tried everything I can think of. It started when I flashed a different kernel and got a read only error.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 12:05 |
just fyi, i pushed as a txt file but had to remove the .txt in root explorer for it to execute
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 14:24 |
How do you go about disabling the 128mhz?
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 14:41 |
Easiest way would be SetCPU. However, if you’re adventurous, you could create an init script to set scaling_min_freq to 245, I explain most of what you’ll need in the previous post about SYSFS.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 15:25 |
hey thanks zig, Just got through reading your last post and I got it to work without setcpu just using that intial script.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 15:27 |
Glad to hear it, I much prefer using init scripts, no need for an app that requires memory and CPU time.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 16:22 |
Ziggy the only reason one would have to disable 128mhz is, if one sets it themselves manually for example in a profile for SETCPU for when the screen turns off? I can’t seem to figure out what your min freq is for smartass (can’t check “cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq” cause i am running setcpu at the moment) anyhow i have choosen 24500 for min in SETCPU for all profiles etc. that should stop my phone from crashing as it was on the previous kernel.
I will be amazed if HDMI is working =] i think its currently broken on all kernels unless you use their custom one
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 16:36 |
Default values without touching anything are as follows for the EVO/INC/BRAVO:
Min freq – 128000
Max freq – 998400
Smartass Max screen off freq – 245000
Smartass sleep wakeup – 998400
Smartass doesn’t have a min screen off freq, it uses the scaling_min_freq. If you want to actually see the min and max overall, not set by a policy, look at cpuinfo_min_freq and cpuinfo_max_freq.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 16:44 |
i see! Thanks again for an awesome kernel for my EVO.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 16:42 |
Liking the new kernel ziggy. What exactly is HAVS though? It looks like to me it allows the voltage to vary some to ensure stability. and your current rom is awesome especially with the init.d tweak you gave us.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 18:09 |
bah. this kernel is causing me to crash a lot now :/
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 19:29 |
What are your settings, freqs and govs? I’m running stock mostly, I’m still playing with the voltage levels, that’s why the script. And I occasionally overclock to 1.53, but rarely, and when I do, I just do it manually via sysfs.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 21:33 |
I tried many varying freqs and governors but it happens randomly. So I took your 99vdd levels and added some voltage to each step to see if that solves it. and I usually only go up to 1300 but i keep it at 1228 mostly.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 23:29 |
OK, it appears my phone likes all the way up to the 1500 range, but after that the VDD doesn’t allow me to change the voltages and it just crashes right there. but it is running much smoother now that I modified it some. Only wish there was an app for it.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 19:07 |
Newest updated is causing extreme heat and reboots 🙁 had to revert back to the old one :/
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 19:30 |
Refer to my answer above. I just need that info to figure out why, I have an idea, but I need some info from you guys.
Monday, April 11th 2011 at 20:39 |
My phone runs stable on smartass govenor at 1.574, with min set to 245. That is my settings. And I’m currently on Telsa Coil ROM too. If you need anything else let me know.
Tuesday, April 12th 2011 at 01:32 |
I’m running at 1.2 with init script and ran 5 quadrants followed by 15 minutes of angry birds while charging and my temp was at 99*. to me thats not too bad. I’ve had my dx and d1 much higher than that
Tuesday, April 12th 2011 at 05:16 |
Silly question, but whats the difference between the BFS and CFS links?
Wednesday, April 13th 2011 at 10:50 |
All the downloads I’ve tried give me a 404 ?
Wednesday, April 13th 2011 at 12:01 |
all downloads have been shut down
Wednesday, April 13th 2011 at 18:43 |
Ziggy you fixed sysfs VDD. Works Great!. I love this kernel. One problem though and its kind of weird. When in a call and i remove my phone from my ear 75% of the time the phone screen still stays blank (black).. i have refleashed to a different kernel on the same rom without this issue? any ideas….
Thursday, April 14th 2011 at 02:08 |
if you need more private testers i am willing to help out. BFS has givin me the best battery life to date on my bolt and would prefer to use your kernels over any others. thanks again z! can’t wait to run your kernels on some aosp roms!
Thursday, April 14th 2011 at 03:31 |
Ziggy: I tried to install your Beta Kernel 10 Apr 11 BFS through the new Kernel Manager. It fails. Shinzul says you need to update the kernel to include the flash_image binary. Thanks!
Wednesday, April 20th 2011 at 16:33 |
I have tried all the recent kernels for the EVO all randomly boot, even though i manually set the CPU to min of 245..using adb or Setcpu. Is there a way to catch what is causing the reboots?? Would alogcat capture it, it seems to reset the log after a reboot. BTW phone seems to reboot not while idle rather under load ex: launching Pulse app. Otherwise the kernel is so speedy compared to others, its a shame its having these reboots. = ziggy i hope you can fix it please(when you have the time). I really prefer your kernels over others and i have donated. Thanks! =]
Sunday, April 24th 2011 at 01:30 |
Just an update if anyone cares, been running the beta kernel ztest-EVO-CFS-HAVS-041011 and it seems as long as i stay away from the Pulse app the phone isn’t rebooting any longer. So i am happy and HMDI out is working also. Thanks Ziggy!
Monday, April 25th 2011 at 11:27 |
I found that the CFS 041011 kernels (both HAVS and non-HAVS) reboot when Pulse is loaded. However the 041011 BFS w/ HAVS does work with Pulse. Ultimately Pulse isn’t that important to me but interesting to see that it’s only happening on the CFS kernels.
Monday, April 25th 2011 at 13:21 |
Yep otherwise its a great kernel on the Evo.
Friday, June 10th 2011 at 02:15 |
Will these kernels work with any of the gingerbread leaks?
Thursday, July 14th 2011 at 15:17 |