Beta Kernel 18 Mar 11
I decided to update the kernels to the latest mainline kernel version. So far it’s running good on mine and others, not really that big of a change, but I didn’t want to fall behind again. I planned on posting this earlier, but since I’m in Colorado right now, it’s still before midnight. lol
Updated to
c16a36659ad0cf175eb83cf50ca87669 ded8a23150a8e795e5ef3f1ef6001b6b 52fb340c92a6952578909e6fb871efc6 c9ef956a5ce40cefe48107ef77ca796c 0efca5116abe998de9a79c552275da74 815a199f871385912ec1c07465fa5318 5f234f777e48d4536d1bdff1ee4bbaad 3ceef9c98c1d20abd83725109159332d 373965ff94823eb870c02050ddde502c 411077518e3917ea6c0df2228311c828 a767eec9834e4523c9d9c97497d4f5f1 d26d47a614a85a15e2646ef696474d53
Beta Kernel BRAVO BFS 18 Mar 11 (733 downloads)
Beta Kernel BRAVO BFS HAVS 18 Mar 11 (722 downloads)
Beta Kernel BRAVO CFS 18 Mar 11 (704 downloads)
Beta Kernel BRAVO CFS HAVS 18 Mar 11 (717 downloads)
Beta Kernel EVO BFS 18 Mar 11 (877 downloads)
Beta Kernel EVO BFS HAVS 18 Mar 11 (997 downloads)
Beta Kernel EVO CFS 18 Mar 11 (910 downloads)
Beta Kernel EVO CFS HAVS 18 Mar 11 (1189 downloads)
Beta Kernel INC BFS 18 Mar 11 (880 downloads)
Beta Kernel INC BFS HAVS 18 Mar 11 (1167 downloads)
Beta Kernel INC CFS 18 Mar 11 (813 downloads)
Beta Kernel INC CFS HAVS 18 Mar 11 (886 downloads)
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Saturday, March 19th 2011 at 00:41 |
Hey Ziggy, just wondering if you made a CFS HAVS for the Evo? Just wondering since there’s not a link posted up.
Saturday, March 19th 2011 at 10:14 |
It’s fixed now, damn copy and paste. I also fixed all the names like I normally do, since I use a mass import.
Saturday, March 19th 2011 at 12:42 |
Thanks again for the great kernel Ziggy. Been running this for a couple hours now and everything is really smooth and my evo is much snappier.
Sunday, March 20th 2011 at 10:34 |
Glad you like it.
Saturday, March 19th 2011 at 00:49 |
Tim85, I think the link is just missing, navigate to, and it does download a CFS HAVS for the Evo for the release today.
Saturday, March 19th 2011 at 01:56 |
Thanks Hoovie..
Sunday, March 20th 2011 at 01:24 |
Just installed the EVO BFS one and went and ran setcpu, program crashed then my phone just started an endless reset loop =
Sunday, March 20th 2011 at 01:46 |
it seems to be setcpu doing it when you set the max all the way up., it won’t keep restarting a long as you don’t have the “Set at boot” option checked. I set it to slightly lower than max and it seems to be working OK now.
Sunday, March 20th 2011 at 10:33 |
That’s what I was going to suggest anyway, glad you figured it out on your own. Not every processor runs well at that max speed, some do, you just have to find your sweet spot on your phone. Other things I’ve noticed on mine that effect it are the ROM I’m running.
Sunday, March 20th 2011 at 17:50 |
Thank you so much for the Kernel! It works great and is a fix for the wifi issues with MIUI 1.3.5
Will Donate soon!
Sunday, March 20th 2011 at 23:25 |
Hey! thanks for the awesome kernel! and I’m glad you’re back! Been running and loving your kernels on my Dinc. I have a question though. Are you planning on updating/making the newest GB kernels of 2.6.37.xx ? I hate to stay away from your kernels but my fav ROM (MIUI) just got updated to the GB and I can’t access my SD card and emmc.. =( everything else seems to work fine with the latest 03.18. version though.
Wednesday, March 23rd 2011 at 12:55 |
I’m looking into that already, I’ll let everyone know when I get it done.
Monday, March 21st 2011 at 15:52 |
Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy, can’t you see… sometimes your kernels hypnotize me.
Great kernel. Running -150mv on Calk’s latest, CFS Evo HAVS.
Tuesday, March 22nd 2011 at 00:20 |
Will hdmi mirroring work with this kernel?
Wednesday, March 23rd 2011 at 12:54 |
I don’t know, but let me know if it does.
Wednesday, March 23rd 2011 at 22:59 |
Maybe i spoke too soon, let me run downstairs and give it a try =]
Wednesday, March 23rd 2011 at 23:07 |
It works, but its just not as smooth as i’ve noticed on the custom kernel, but it will do =] Thanks again Ziggy for a great kernel for the EVO!
Wednesday, March 23rd 2011 at 20:21 |
are these kernels just for sense, or will they work on CyanogenMod 6
Wednesday, March 23rd 2011 at 22:58 |
Wow this kernel is just awesome! Ziggy can you please implement HDMwIn for the EVO, please.
I’ve donated in the past,
Friday, March 25th 2011 at 13:52 |
The EVO CFS HAVS 31811 seems to have great battery life but I’m having random reboots and Pandora and Slacker radio issues.
Friday, March 25th 2011 at 15:02 |
Interesting, must be your ROM? i am running ztest-EVO-CFS-HAVS-031811 with Myn’s rom with sense removed and getting great battery as you stated, without freezes and reboots though. I also not using Setcpu. Check the settings on SETCPU if you are running it.
Friday, March 25th 2011 at 16:24 |
No, I’ve been running my ROM for a month. I actually flashed back to 31211 and the issues disappeared..I’m back on 31811 after wiping Davlik etc and got 1 reboot already
Tuesday, April 5th 2011 at 11:19 |
Okay i am getting reboots also on EVO-CFS-HAVS-031811 – while upgrading apps in the market or randomly doing things. =
Wednesday, March 30th 2011 at 15:38 |
Hi Ziggy, your kernels are top notch. I had a question about the Inc bfs havs. I downloaded the file and flashed it, but when I go to settings to see what kernel is being used it just says its just a bfs. Will the kernel still be bfs havs, even though it doesn’t say havs?
Saturday, April 2nd 2011 at 13:24 |
I keep forgetting to fix that, sorry.
Friday, April 1st 2011 at 12:23 |
are thse kernels for sense too??
Saturday, April 2nd 2011 at 13:26 |
They are primarily for sense, hence 2.6.32, if they work on AOSP, great, if not, I can attempt to fix it, but not at the expense of loosing sense compatibility.
Saturday, April 2nd 2011 at 14:34 |
I flashed this kernel and i cant turn on the 4g radio. It goes “turning on”, then straight to “turning off”…. i checked and i do have my rsa keys!! What did i do wrong?
Saturday, April 2nd 2011 at 21:50 |
We need new release a bit more stable i get a reboot when trying to do a few thimgs at the same time.
Wednesday, April 6th 2011 at 10:51 |
Do your inc kernels work on SLCD models? Everytime I tried the 31811 and 31211, I lost touchscreen sensitivity and ended up having to install a different kernel.
Sunday, April 10th 2011 at 15:55 |
I was informed by a guy I know to install a kernel on my evo for my battery. So, I installed your Beta Kernel EVO CFS 18 Mar 11 (185) after wiping last night. I let it charge fully without using it. I took it off the charger and made a phne call and the battery dropped like normal. How long does it take to see positive results with the battery?
Friday, May 13th 2011 at 20:00 |
Are you ever going to do any AOSP kernels???
-big fan =P