Beta Kernel 14 Dec 10
Disclaimer: I’m not responsible for any damage you may do to your phone by installing this
WARNING: I’m still considering this a BETA Test, it’s just a public beta. There may still be bugs left in the kernels from all the work I’ve done on them. I think I’ve caught them all, but I’m only human.
If this beta goes good, which it should, then I’ll clean up the code and get it up on github, but until then, please don’t update the XDA threads, this is just a public beta. If all reports are good, then I’ll do fresh builds and do an official release this weekend.
Started again from scratch with the HTC INC MR3 source tree
Added BRAVO/EVO support
Cleaned up majority of the compiler warnings, only a couple left
Most clean ups came from the glacier tree, at least HTC is trying
Moved the source tree as close to mainline as possible
Updated to
EVO 3/5 point multi-touch mod
Kernel LZMA support (smaller kernels)
Automatic process group scheduling
BFQ IO Scheduler (default)
Interactive Governor
Smartass Governor (default)
Moved all the settings from the code to Kconfig
Fixed the sysfs interface for Smartass, all files located in: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/smartass
Tweaked the settings extensively
Over-clocked to 1.22GHz, may not work for all, to include me
1.22GHz requires 1400mV, so it’ll kill your battery
Under-volted slightly
128MHz enabled
ck2 patch-set to include updating BFS to 357
BFS and CFS co-exist in the source tree nicely now
sqn’s sysfs interface for VDD Levels
50K sampling for the Conservative Governor, since calkulin wanted it
much more that I can’t remember, DL’s rubbing off on me….lol
Download links:
BETA Kernel Bravo CFS 14 Dec 10 (555 downloads)
BETA Kernel Evo CFS 14 Dec 10 (844 downloads)
BETA Kernel Inc CFS 14 Dec 10 (637 downloads)
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Tuesday, December 14th 2010 at 16:12 |
Any luck with AOSP kernels yet?
Tuesday, December 14th 2010 at 17:23 |
Not quite yet, I have some testing one right now, if it works out, I’ll post a beta of it too.
Tuesday, December 14th 2010 at 19:18 |
Loving the kernels dude! Great job!
Tuesday, December 14th 2010 at 20:11 |
I just flashed this new beta on my EVO. Initially it’s running real fast and smooth, and everything I tested worked just fine. Hopefully the battery life will be as good or better than the 12/5 beta. I have a question; I noticed you don’t use HAVS in your kernels; Why don’t you use it?
Tuesday, December 14th 2010 at 20:44 |
So far running good on my evo, we shall see how the battery life goes!
Tuesday, December 14th 2010 at 21:38 |
Are the Incredible Kernels over clocked by default?
Tuesday, December 14th 2010 at 22:37 |
ok. so the newest inc kernel is the new king of all kernels for the inc. it is blazingly fast and smooth. fingers crossed on battery life. And for a change I am stable at 1.152 with a bevy of apps and service running!
Wednesday, December 15th 2010 at 01:28 |
I have the newer version evo with the updated camera software i believe. I have tried multiple kernals so i can overclock them i am coming from myns rom for the evo but everytime i install them everything works fine but my camera/camcorder. It just shows a blackscreen but can feel the haptiac feedback. Peeps have been saying that htc has released the source codes. Know anything Ziggy?
Wednesday, December 15th 2010 at 12:51 |
I know what the problem is, the newer version of the Evo uses a different camera sensor than the older versions. I have the code from the glacier and ace trees for it, however, it’s not a direct drop in. My personal opinion, it’d be better to wait for HTC to release the new version of the Evo source, and then it’d take me all of 30 minutes to implement and build.
Friday, December 17th 2010 at 00:44 |
umy old evo was stolen, luckily i had insurance but my replacement is new hardware and i can’t flash your kernels anymore!!! (need my camera features haha) is there any speculation on as to when the new source will come out?
Wednesday, December 15th 2010 at 11:40 |
uhhh the 12/14 beta for the evo is rocking like cut off stockings Ziggy on Virus Revo 3.1 rom….Been off the charger for 3 hours and only at 95%….Ill say youve done a great job!!!!!!! My first kernel ive ever used to get that kinda feedback nd ive tried billions or Kernals….
Wednesday, December 15th 2010 at 13:04 |
Glad you all like the kernels. As long as no-one is having issues by Saturday, then I’ll make these official kernels and may even start my own thread on XDA in the INC forum.
Wednesday, December 15th 2010 at 14:52 |
Just ran into an issue running Calkulin’s EViO 1.6.2 and this latest beta on a Hardware 0003 EVO…
The USB tethering in the Dec 5th kernel worked flawlessly but this latest kernel has given me problems. After connecting for about a minute, the phone would get stuck and then reboot. I tried it a couple of times with the same result. I went back to the Dec 5th kernel and am back to normal.
Not sure if anyone else is having this issue but this was the only problem I encountered. I will be more than happy to help troubleshoot this if you give me some directions on what to do…
Wednesday, December 15th 2010 at 19:06 |
I think I may have fixed it, just updated all Android USB Gadget drivers to the latest. If you comment again, use a good email in the top of the comment block, and I’ll email you a test link. Only admins can see that email addy.
Actually, that goes for anyone, if you use a valid email addy in the comments, I’ll normally work on the issue and send something directly to you.
Wednesday, December 15th 2010 at 19:47 |
The address I included in the first message was a real one. I have included a different one in this post. Send me the link and I’ll test it out and let you know how it works.
Thursday, December 16th 2010 at 01:16 |
Many have run into the so-called “sleep of death” with your beta kernels on Uber Sense (Desire Z port to DInc). Basically it’s like you hit the sleep button, but then get a hot restart instead.
Thursday, December 16th 2010 at 06:29 |
Never seen that one, and I’m running ID’s Desire Z port, it’s what I normally test these kernels on.
As for ‘sleep of death’, you must have come from the WinMo crowd like me. What is happening on yours, at least my educated guess, is you’ve overclocked too much, and something died, hence the hot restart. Or, it could be as simple as you found an issue in the Desire Z port, they still exist.
Friday, December 17th 2010 at 20:42 |
You’re right…
Wow, that’s weird. I rebuilt my Z port and no issues since…
haha, do I permission to include your kernels in my build? They run AMAZING. underclock to 652 and no lag at all.
Thursday, December 16th 2010 at 08:14 |
Hey Z,
LOVE the beta as I can now officially clock to 1228!!!!! But, for some strange reason, the phone restarts anytime I try to run quadrant… I’m assuming once an app taxes on the cpu to much it restarts? Asisde from that it idles with no problems and does simple tasks such as emails, web browsing, texting. I’ll try playing a couple of games to see whether it restarts or not and report back.
But my question reallyy; any idea why it’s doing that? Perhaps voltage needs to be raised a bit?
Thursday, December 16th 2010 at 14:24 |
Voltage at 1.22G is already at 1400, that’s a little higher than I prefer. I know a few that can run stable at that, but I’m not comfortable raising it any higher.
Thursday, December 16th 2010 at 14:44 |
Trying your kernel with latest OTA Radio,etc.. on Myn Warm TwoPointTwo. I seem to get sluggishness with Market downloads and installs. Probably not your Kernel , but wanted to be sure. So seems to be stable.
Thursday, December 16th 2010 at 23:12 |
Ziggy just thought I would add, just did a nandroid backup cleared cache and data , reboot, then restore and so far my lag issues have not cropped up.
Thursday, December 16th 2010 at 20:55 |
hey ziggy i got random reboots and freezes at 1152 on virus airbourne rom 4.8
Friday, December 17th 2010 at 01:33 |
Using the Inc version on Myn’s 2.2 RLS4.
I had the issue where the Wifi wouldn’t scan on your last beta. It will scan without having to turn the wifi off and on, but it won’t connect to my saved networks automatically. Not sure if that’s kernel related.
Other than that, I’ve had no problems. Thanks for all your work on these!
Do you plan to release a BFS version as well? You mention that BFS and CFS co exist in the source now? But I’m not sure what that means exactly. It seems to benchmark a lower in quadrant than before, but the phone is just as smooth as before for everything else.
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 01:06 |
Must’ve been a weird one time thing or something, it’s been working fine recently.
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 04:09 |
There are BFS builds now, just haven’t done the post for them, fell asleep before I got that done, long week at work.
Friday, December 17th 2010 at 11:59 |
Nevermind ziggy i got it fixed…had the new pri but it was a bad pri downloaded….but question do we need to set the governor to smartass ???
Friday, December 17th 2010 at 12:33 |
Been using it on my DInc for two days. Flawless so far. Have pretty much run through all my usual tasks… camera, connecting to WiFi, bluetooth, etc… Performs great and getting good battery life. Not overclocked, not using SetCPU.
Friday, December 17th 2010 at 20:04 |
I’m running an older kernel on my DInc with Virtuous ROM. I’d like to keep upgrading the kernel but don’t want to lose wireless-n. Although the speed difference is not massive compared to g (with a strong signal), the range is significantly increased with wireless n. That results in better speed and connectivity. Can you restore wireless-n to future builds?
Saturday, December 18th 2010 at 04:08 |
Wireless N isn’t disabled in any of these builds.